Unity in Faith: Standing in Solidarity with the Emir of Ilorin and Kwara Muslims - Haruna Abubakar Bebeji 
In recent weeks, the Emir of Ilorin, Ibrahim Sulu-Gambari, and the Muslim community of Kwara State, Nigeria, have faced persecution from certain segments of the Yoruba Land. The reason for this persecution stems from the opposition to a polytheistic festival called Isese Festival planned by a prophetess, Yeye Ajesikemi Olokun Omolara Olatunji, in the predominantly Muslim territory. As advocates of religious tolerance and believers in the strength of unity, it is imperative for Nigerian Muslims, particularly those in the northern region, to support their fellow brethren in Kwara by openly condemning this issue and offer unwavering solidarity.

Preserving Islamic Values:
Kwara State, particularly the Ilorin Emirate, has a rich history of Islamic influence dating back to the reforms initiated by Sheikh Usman bn Fodiyo. The conquest led to the imposition of Islamic values on Ilorin, separating them from the polytheistic and pagan traditions of idol worship practiced by Yorubas in other states. The efforts of Majlisu Shabab li Ulamahu Society, who protested against the celebration of the festival, indicate their commitment to preserving their religious identity.
The Emir's Plea:
Recognizing the commitment of his people to their faith, the Emir sought to address the issue by seeking the support of the Kwara State Government. By emphasizing that Ilorin is a Muslim town wherein polytheism and idol worshiping are not tolerated, the Emir demonstrated his dedication to upholding Islamic values. This has not only attracted criticism from influential figures like Wole Soyinka and Gani Adams, but it has also resulted in a lawsuit against the Emir and the Muslim groups by one Malcolm Omirhobo.

A Call for Unity and Support:
It is disheartening to witness the lack of awareness and support from Muslims in the north and Muslim organizations in the Yoruba nation. In times like these, it is crucial for us to stand united with our fellow brethren in Kwara, offering them our help, support, and encouragement.
Beyond Geographical Boundaries:
As Nigerian Muslims, we must recognize that our faith extends beyond geographical boundaries. The struggle faced by our brothers and sisters in Kwara is a struggle that affects the very fabric of our Islamic identity. By lending our support and condemning the opposition against the Emir and the Muslim community, we reaffirm our belief in religious freedom and the unity of the ummah.

Social Media as a Platform for Change:
In the digital age, social media has become a powerful tool for spreading awareness and mobilizing support. Let us utilize these platforms to raise our voices in support of the Emir and the Muslim community of Kwara. Share their story, condemn the persecution, and emphasize the importance of religious tolerance. By reaching a wider audience, we can demonstrate our solidarity and inspire others to join our cause.
The persecution faced by the Emir of Ilorin and the Muslim community of Kwara is a test of our commitment to upholding Islamic values and promoting religious tolerance. As Nigerian Muslims, it is our duty to stand united and offer our unwavering support to our brethren in Kwara. Let us condemn the opposition, raise awareness, and extend a helping hand to those in need. Together, we can overcome this challenge, showcasing the true spirit of Islam and reinforcing the bonds that unite us as an ummah.
My name is Haruna Abubakar Bebeji.  

I'm a passionate writer, content manager and blogger from Kano, Nigeria. I started writing online about politics, governance and day-to-day issues to share my thoughts, ideas, and experiences in this space. Over time, my blog has become a space for me to inspire, motivate, and entertain others.  

I'm committed to bringing engaging, quality content that will help make anyone's life just a little bit better. I love to explore new topics, review products, and discuss the latest trends in politics and governance. 

I write in both English and Hausa and as a certified International Translator and Interpreter, I Translate from English to Hausa or Hausa to English. When I'm not writing, managing or creating content, you can find me outside enjoying nature, reading, or spending time with family or friends.  

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